Expressive drawing - 4 ways. I designed a drawing project for my beginner drawing class to explore different media and mark-making. The project examples for the class were done in Adobe Fresco to emulate real drawing media and paper, but this could easily be adapted to explore digital applications of drawing and painting.
I first prompted my students to just explore mark-making. Within Adobe Fresco, I picked the brushes that had the most natural feel and stuck to grayscale or black as the value choices. My favorites being the Watercolor live brushes, the pen and pencil tools in the "sketching" brushes, some charcoal brushes, and a few of my imported brushes from the True Grit Texture Supply that I love so dearly.
I encouraged my students to use a combination of marks, pattern, and materials so that it's not uniform for each version of the four drawings. They also needed to base their drawing off of a still life or object study.
My still life set up and the subsequent sketch based on it. I kept the sketch suggestive to leave it open to interpretation when it came time to explore media and marks.
I think my favorites are the "cut paper" and brown Kraft paper drawings. Even though the exercise is meant for my students, it was nice to even break out of my own habits and see how I can push my observational skills to different areas.